Category: Random Musings

The Edwards Family – My Lord Is Taking Good Care Of Me

I’ve had several people ask where I have been. Just wanted to let everyone know that I am still around and doing well. I am traveling a full schedule with my family ministry these days and time is hard to come by to write in depth anymore. I miss being involved in the SG world, …

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What the Bible Says About Southern Gospel Music

I know what you’re thinking…”Southern gospel in the Bible?  Southern gospel didn’t even exist until Vaughan and Stamps started selling their song books!”  You obviously would have a point in that this genre of music is not specifically mentioned in Scripture.  However, the Bible has plenty to say about music, and it has some specific …

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The Ol’ Red-Back

It may surprise you that I’m a relative new-comer when it comes to southern gospel music, at least in some aspects.  Less than a decade ago, if you had mentioned Gold City or Legacy Five to me, I would have been as likely to guess that they were movie titles as singing groups.  Though I …

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That Elusive Stability

Yesterday, Steve Eaton over at the new Musicscribe coglomerate continued his excellent “Most Infuential” series with a post on the Triumphant Quartet.  He noted the fact that the group has not had a single personnel change since their inception eleven years ago.  Many of us say things like “well, that’s rare in this day and …

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2013 Singing News Fan Awards: My Nominations

As you probably well know by now, the Singing News recently opened up the nomination phase for their 2013 Fan Awards, with subscribers given the open opportunity to nominate whomever they wish to win the respective awards.  I don’t put a whole lot of stock in awards like this in terms of significance, but I do …

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Southern Gospel in Six Seconds

I’ve read in the news this week about the emergence of a new video-sharing app named Vine.  Owned by Twitter, who made 140 characters a standard for online communication, Vine allows users to record and share videos with a length of up to six seconds.  Much of the discussion about the new app centers on …

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Unique Southern Gospel Lyrics

There are words that permeate southern gospel lyrics.  How many songs do you know about the cross, heaven, the empty tomb, God’s love…the list goes on and on.  There’s certainly nothing wrong with that; the central themes of the Gospel need to be broadcast more than anything else. But there are times when we listen …

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