Top 100: #55 You Can Have a Song (Greater Vision)

Release Year: 1991

Album Rank for Group: #9 of 13

Here’s a blurb: This is my favorite “table project” in the countdown, and along with On a Journey, was the debut of Greater Vision.  Gerald Wolfe, Mark Trammell, and Chris Allman had, in my opinion, the greatest trio blend in the history of southern gospel.  That was already evident on this early project.  There are only two songs that really stand out for me, but they stand out in a big way, and there aren’t any really weak songs.  I just wish I was more patient a while back and didn’t buy that cassette copy on e-Bay, only to have Greater Vision re-release it on CD soon after.

Knock my socks off: Sailing Away, Redemption Draweth Nigh

Don’t skip that one: God Will Make a Way, Treasures Unseen, Make Me a Blessing

I could honestly do without: None


    • Brooklynn Norris on April 11, 2019 at 2:00 pm
    • Reply

    Hello, I have read this a couple of times, and I have been trying to find this album. I know it’s no longer being released. Probably for a long time now it hasn’t been. I don’t know if you know where I could possibly get it. I am collecting all of their CDs. I wish I could find it somewhere. Thanks for your time.

    God Bless,
    Brooklynn Norris

      • Isaac on February 3, 2022 at 9:21 am
      • Reply

      Brooklynn, this album has been released on streaming platforms such as YouTube, Spotify, and the like. I hope this helps!

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