Norman Wilson (Primitive Quartet) passes away

0196d901937cb50e733bea033b58587f45f9f1ddfaIt’s been a sad day for me since learning about the passing of one of my friends and heroes in Gospel music.  Norman Wilson, the original and only tenor for the Primitive Quartet, went home to Heaven yesterday while on a hunting trip.

01a60640a9d7ab68344413d5189f9d5877918a0b27I became acquainted with Norman in the 1980’s, but it wasn’t until about 5 years ago that I really got to know this gentleman.  His smile was always his trademark and he was always full of wit and ready for a laugh.  There was never a dull moment with Norman around, but it was his love for The Lord that always astounded me.  It didn’t matter what manner of conversation we were having, we eventually would start talking about the Lord and just how good God had been to us.

01748d101208f35d893e1dbac64f9ba852dd0ad012I’ve been privileged to spend time with Norman at my home church and also on the road as well and he was always the same.  Heaven sure gained a treasure yesterday and I have no doubt that there he now is smiling like he never did before in the presence of Jesus.  Our hearts can’t begin to comprehend all that he is seeing now as he has finally made it to his eternal resting place.

As my tribute to this fine gentleman, I leave you with this signature song of his, “My Hope Is In The Blood”….amen!!!


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    • johnny stewart on October 17, 2014 at 4:26 pm
    • Reply

    loved this man,and all the rest,,man what a song,,johnny

    • Denise Owens on October 19, 2014 at 8:05 pm
    • Reply

    What a wonderful song!! I love it when you can feel the sweet spirit of the Lord. I grew up with the Primitive quartet. I would work around my house with my little children and play their tapes when they first started singing. I couldn’t help but start singing a song I wrote when I heard the news about Norm. The title is,”No I’ll Never Die Just Move Up on High.”That’s what Norm did that day. May God bless everyone and my thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends.

    • Ginger Bickford on November 25, 2014 at 7:54 pm
    • Reply

    I first met Norman & his precious wife Kay when I was 16 years old. I’m now 50. They, along with the Primitive quartet influenced my life on many positive levels. When I first met Norman we both had braces on our teethe! We use to talk about our orthodontist visits and the day when we would get our braces off! I never thought of Norman Wilson not being here. Although I know he’s in that Gloryland he sang of for so many years he will be sorely missed on this side. I’m quite sure Norman never produced a more beautiful smile than when he beheld the face of Jesus.

    • Ginger Bickford on November 25, 2014 at 8:02 pm
    • Reply

    I met Norman and the Primitive quartet when I was 16 years old. I’m now 50. When I met Norman we both had braces on our teethe! We would always talk about the day when we would get them off. Oh, how he would make me laugh. I’m sure Norman never produced a more brilliant smile than when he beheld the face of Jesus.

  1. I am sorry to hear of Norman’s passing. I love the Primitive Quartet, My favorite group. When my husband was here with me, He’s no longer on this earth, He and Norman are together, But we would come to Hominey valley to see you all. I just pray for God’s blessing on you all, and i pray you don’t retire.

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