Southern Gospel Critique
Album Review: Make Mine the Real Thing (Barry Rowland & Deliverance)
Album Review: Love Won (Talleys)
May 25
Sounds good to me…
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I saw that earlier. I wish they post the whole song. It is interesting the way they do the new arrangement with Bob on lead and a tenor part above.
That is interesting! I had thought they did it that way with Phillip Hughes and Harold Reed, but the videos I found have Reed leading. Guess this new arrangement is a testament to the ranges of both Bob and Chris.
I know…..was looking for the entire thing, but what they did post sounded really good to me!
I sang with Bob. He has a great range….
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I saw that earlier. I wish they post the whole song. It is interesting the way they do the new arrangement with Bob on lead and a tenor part above.
That is interesting! I had thought they did it that way with Phillip Hughes and Harold Reed, but the videos I found have Reed leading. Guess this new arrangement is a testament to the ranges of both Bob and Chris.
I know…..was looking for the entire thing, but what they did post sounded really good to me!
I sang with Bob. He has a great range….