Top 100: #16 Stand Up at Opryland USA (Kingsmen)

Release Year: 1986

Album Rank for Group: #1 of 2

Here’s a blurb: Stand Up at Opryland contains some of my favorite live moments from Kingsmen recordings.  Everything I love about the Kingsmen can be found here: Garry Sheppard putting on a show with his special brand of tenor singing, Arthur Rice hitting the big notes, Big Ed Crawford testifying, Anthony Burger wailing away on the piano, and Jim Hamill ushering them through it all at a thrilling pace.  Although Chattanooga Live and Live…Naturally may be more often listed as favorites of southern gospel fans, this is the album that first got me into the Kingsmen, and it has always been special to me.  The only thing better would be to actually be there, but this gets you pretty close.

Knock my socks off: The Captain, Leave Your Sorrows and Come Along, We May Be Leaving Very Soon, I Sing Because

Don’t skip that one: Stand Up, Meet Me at the Table, Nobody Saved but Me

I could honestly do without: Angels Are Hard to Find


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