Top 100: #45 Serving a Risen Savior (Greater Vision)

Release Year: 1994

Album Rank for Group: #7 of 13

Here’s a blurb: The first album released after Greater Vision’s first personnel change, Serving a Risen Savior certainly has more in common with the Mark Trammell-era recordings than the later Rodney Griffin-era projects.  The delightfully simple piano-and-strings country-leaning sound is still there on most songs, and the trio doesn’t lose too much on their fantastic blend with a change in baritones.  I don’t know if this album was released around Easter, but there is a strong indication of a Resurrection theme for the project.  With only one or two exceptions, this album is one of my personal favorites in terms of song selection.  And certainly bonus points are in order for the album cover.

Knock my socks off: Who Moved, He Rose Again, God Has Provided a Lamb

Don’t skip that one: When the Home Gates Swing Open, More and More Like You, A Risen Savior

I could honestly do without: God Has Built a Fortress


  1. I just wish they’d bring back “Who Moved” so they’d do that awesome skit.

    1. I’ve always loved that one, too, Samuel.

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