Cane River Revival .::. Friday, 5/16/08

Friday night turned into an impromptu youth rally, with several van loads of kids coming in from all over North & South Carolina.? It’s amazing to see the response from the young people.? Pizza & Doughnuts were provided for all of them after the service.? Friday, May 23rd is the official youth night, so if you have any youth groups, bring them out.? They will be fed, both spiritually and physically.

After the choir sang, The Shelton family sang 2 new songs from their new CD and then Preacher Ralph delivered an amazing message.? 20 people were saved and many gathered in the altar.

It was a cold evening, but when God is moving, you really don’t seem to mind the cold.? Keep praying that God will continue to move and revival will break out in Burnsville.

(Sorry for the short post…’s Monday!)