I was browsing the ‘net this morning and read this great article by Deon Unthank at AbsolutelyGospel.com.? It really hit home to me and I think you will enjoy it as well.? Here is a clip that I really liked:
It’s really hard to get book these days, because so many Pastors take that view. Our goal is NOT to see how many people we can get to attend. Our goal is to sing and minister to the ones that ARE attending. The singing ministry is a calling, much in the line of an Evangelist, and not allowing music ministries sing is depriving them of their opportunity to work in their calling. When it comes to Pastors, they just desire to minister and will travel hundreds of miles just for the opportunity to preach and minister and not worry about if they get a dime or not, but somehow think that they must get a big crowd before it’s fair to the group. That’s simply wrong thinking. Music ministers have that same yearning to minister to the people, and Pastors rob them of the opportunity to minister when they take this attitude. (SOURCE)
You can read the rest of the article here.
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