Tuesday was a strange evening. Our regular piano player was out sick, so my pastor’s wife filled in again. She played great, but I couldn’t seem to get in sync with her tonight. It was only on a few notes, but if you know me at all, more than 1 or 2 missed notes for me is a bad night.
My family sang again tonight. We? did two songs and it really was a struggle to get through them both. There wasn’t much response from the crowd and we couldn’t hear much in the monitors, so it was a? hard to get the words out. I really hate those nights where you feel like you failed. I suppose God lets evenings like last night happen in your life to keep? you humble, but? it would be nice? if? those nights never happened. It’s been a long time since I felt like I did such a bad job singing…….it almost makes you want to quit.? I know we have to keep going, but it’s beyond me why sometimes you do really well and other times are horrible.? Part of being human, I guess.
Bro. Ralph did a lesson on prophecy tonight which was truly amazing. I could sit and listen to prophecy teachings all night long. My grandmother was a prophecy? scholar and she would always teach me about it. We would discuss at length the current events and how they tie into the prophecies of Matthew, Daniel & Revelation. We had a field day when the Left Behind series came out. We knew they were fiction so we would talk about the facts & fictions of the books. Last night made me miss her so much. She was around for the Cane River Revival in 2006 and she looked forward to the meetings for this year, but God called her home last year. I think I missed her more last night than any other time since she passed. So today, I’m just sad that my prophecy partner isn’t here anymore.
Tonight is supposed to be a continuation of the lesson started last night, so I’m very excited about going to the tent tonight.? Sadly, it appears that this will be the last week of the meetings.? There seems to be so much unconcern from the congregation that I get the feeling that most of them don’t want to be there at all.? The preacher spoke of spiritual warfare and I suppose this is a result.? It’s a little disappointing that it will most likely come to an end on Friday, but we have to go on.? I am thankful for the meetings we’ve had and it was time well spent to be under the tent every evening.? Hope to see some more of you there!
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