Last week, I sold my old iPod to a friend (I say old, it was a gift from my wife last Christmas).? I had? maxed out? it’s ‘little’ 80 GB storage capacity already.? I asked for this iPod last year because I had maxed out my 40 GB model right before the holidays rolled around.? I thought I would get a couple of years of use with that much storage space.? Yeah, right….
I didn’t realize just how much I played that little thing (or how much music I try to carry with me).? I would carry it from the? car into the house, back to the car and? into work, from work back to home to strap it on my arm to work….(you get the picture; I used this thing all of the time).?
Isn’t it funny how much we depend on technology today?? I often wonder what would life be like if we had to return to days without gadgets, gizmos, or technology.? How would we survive without cell phones or computers??
Sometimes, I think it would be a blessing but then reality sets in that I make my living working with computers…..either with digital photography, building websites, converting videos, LPs & cassettes or repairing computers.?
I wonder if I could survive at all if the days came that we had to live off of the land?? Hope I never have to find out!
Anyway, I’ve already ordered the 160 GB model, but I’m still waiting for the blessed thing to get here.? It is supposed to arrive on Wednesday, so only 2 more days to go.? Then life can return to normal (my normal, at the least). I went with the silver model this time, hope it looks as good as the black one did.
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