1. It’ll Be Joy (Poet Voices)
This song features Mike Allen on the bass while he was still with the group.? The song was recorded on Poet Voices’ project, Love’s Sweet Story IV, from 1996
2. I Can’t Even Walk (Promise)
This Southern Gospel classic features Larry Spadden of Promise.? This is one of the best versions of the song that I have heard.? It is from Promise’s new project, Some Old, Some New & Some We Just Wanted To Do, Vol. 2.
3. If I Could Telephone Heaven (Arthur Rice)
I couldn’t help but include this on this round of music.? Arthur Rice sang this demo for a Singing News Accompaniment Track.? The music is taken directly from The Primitive Quartet’s recording of the song on their Mountain Memories project, released in 2000.? Arthur does the vocals on all parts of this song and it is awesome to hear him in a bluegrass tune!? The demo is available direct from Crossroads Music for $.99.
4. Three Rugged Crosses (Freemans)
This tune is from the request lines.? Someone wanted to hear this song, so here it is.? Great tune from the Freemans’ Eyes On The Prize project, released in 1997.
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