Sometimes while we (The Edwards Family) are burning the roads up, we can’t help but feel the effects of the travel and ask God for validation that we are in His will and doing the right things. Comments and emails like this are all of the validation we need to keep on keeping on!
Thanks for replying back to me. Thanks for the consideration of the song I requested.
I did hear you sing at Harbor Light Baptist and I was there on both occasions. I sat on the back row with the four kids. You have no idea what an impact you had on my life. The songs you chose to sing were very fitting to my family. My husband is currently deployed to Iraq and at times my faith is small. I don’t understand why I have to suffer so but when you sang “God Likes To Work When Nothing Else Will”, I knew then that God had a plan for us. I didn’t quite understand what it was, but when I asked the One who knew, I knew it was a test of OUR faith.
My husband and I both had slipped away from God and we were taking each other for granted. You see, we have been married for 6 yrs and after he deployed about year ago I found out that I was pregnant with our fourth child and I knew that I would be here with our four children alone and I started to wonder, “God, why? Why me? This is too much. God you know that he is my rock, he has been my best friend, I can’t make it without him. My children need their father and I need my husband.”
So at that point when I started to question I just gave up. I thought maybe we had been so wrong that God had just gave up on us. We were being punished for all the sin in our life but I knew that if I wanted him to be safe while in battle that we would need God’s help and he has kept him safe just like he promised me that he would. He also said that he wouldn’t put anything on me that I couldn’t bear. My God is a wonderful God. When I heard you sing “Trust Him”, I knew that you were singing that for me. It has been such a blessing to me. It has made such an impact on my life.
Your song “Help Lord” was a blessing in disguise. When I took? your CD home and I was listening to it before I went to bed, I heard that song.? I don’t know if you noticed my children but they are not the most well behaved and at times. ? I am so frustrated that I am not the best mother to them and I miss my husband so much that I forget to just stop and say, “Help Lord! I am carrying a load and I am hurting.? ? I need help from above; just the touch of your love.”
So you will never realize what your group meant to me it renewed my faith when it was about to bottom out. I needed the blessing that you brought with your songs and with your words of faith. You were so true and you don’t see that very often in a group. The way you talked of your mother made me think of my mother-in-law that sat beside of me at church. I can’t imagine the times she has sat and prayed for us. When I didn’t think God was listening to me I know that she was praying the same prayer. Your words of kindness to describe your mother made me realize just how precious she is. I knew that you were hurting when she was not there to sing with you and you could hear it when you sang.? ? Then I knew that she was everything to you.
I just wanted to tell you what a blessing it was to see the love of your family from you and your husband to your friend to your mom. It has gave me just what I needed to know that I had drifted from my safety zone and I was floating out to sea and I needed to be rescued. I need the Lord more now than I ever had in my life and I wasn’t as close as I needed to be.
Please keep doing what you all do because others may need the renewed strength that I found in your songs. I wish you and your family the best and please tell your momma that when she goes to pray on the hill that this little girl needs help from above, so keep our family in your prayers and keep in touch.
Thanks for the blessing!
God bless you for your encouraging words!!! May God give you the strength and peace you need while you’re husband is away fighting to keep our freedoms!
This is why God called us to do what we do.
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