2008 ~ What a year!

The Edwards Family wrapped up their 2008 schedule last night with a singing at a local church.? We got to see another precious soul accept Jesus Christ and looking back over the past year, we are still blown away by the way that God has blessed and used our little group.

Doors were opened that weren’t even imagined, but the most special blessing to our ministry is the number of people that we’ve seen come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior.? If my numbers are correct, we’ve seen over 50 individuals accept Christ and numerous people make things right while we were up singing praises to our most high King.

I do not know what is in store for us in 2009, but it is our prayer that God continues to use our family to advance His Kingdom.? Thanks be unto God for all of his blessings on us and for allowing us to be just a small part of His work.