Meeting The Prophets…

The Prophets Quartet along with me
L-R: Mike Allen, Adam Edwards, Ed Hill, Paul Jackson

After having lunch with Paul Jackson of the Prophets Quartet on Friday afternoon, I made sure to sneak out of Freedom Hall and go meet the Prophets Quartet at 9 PM Friday Night.? I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed meeting this group.? I enjoyed laughing and cutting up with my friend, Paul Jackson, and his friend (and now mine), Mike Allen, bass singer extraordinaire.?

What a wonderful group of men to spend time and talk with.? I am certainly looking forward to hearing their new CD.? These men are a pleasure to be around and it was an honor for me to get to meet Mr. Ed Hill and the rest of the group.? Bill Baize left to get a snack, so the guys let me have the tenor role briefly…..well, not singing, but at least for the group photo for me.? Spending time with these guys was honestly one of the highlights of my week.

Paul, thank you again for lunch and making me feel so welcome with your kindness.? It won’t soon be forgotten….