Dove Brothers finally reach #1 on the charts


“I Can Pray” by the Dove Brothers Quartet has topped the Singing News chart for July 2007.? After being the most popular cover group for the last several years, it seems that McCray Dove is leading his group in a new direction…….and that is an era? of original, unrecycled? hit songs.?

It was easy to predict that? “I Can Pray” would fly up the charts after hearing it just once and with only 4 months on the charts, it has peaked.? The message in the song is pretty simple, when nothing else will work, I can pray.

The Dove’s tenor, Jerry Martin, provides an pleasant vocal experience on this debut track from the Dove Brothers’ Never The Same projects from Sonlite Records.? This is the strongest single that the Dove Brothers have offered to date and I imagine that this song will stay in the Top 10 for the next few months to come.

If you wish to purchase this album, find it somewhere other than on iTunes.? I purchased this album a few days ago and have yet been able to download it.? This is the first issue that I’ve ever had downloading a project from Apple, but this one has been a royal pain in the neck.?

I wish I could comment more about the album and give my opinion but the only opinion I offer is to buy this project where you actually get it on a CD instead of a download.