New section for Southern Gospel Critique :: ebay gems

I will start another section of my blog today for those of you who read it.? Some of you may already know that I scour the internet on a daily basis looking for the best deals I can find on SG music and I thought I would start posting these finds for my readers.?

While? building? my library of SG music, I’ve found that? ebay has been one of the best sources for me to add to my collection.? I often? bypass some of the good deals I come across on ebay so that I can put my money towards projects that I do not own yet.? Thus the idea for the new section of my blog.? The bargains I find that I bypass, I will post for my readers.

Please note that I will check the sellers ratings and I will not post an item if it is from a seller that I would not trust.? Trust me, there’s nothing worse than a seller that is dishonest or less than efficient with their items.

Look for items to be posted soon.? I may or may not post daily; it will depend on what I find that day.

In Him,