Category: Playlists

The Playlist #12: Justification

In the past for posts like this, I’ve presented a relatively broad topic, and posted a full 80-minute playlist of gospel songs dealing with that topic.  I’m going to change things up a little bit here and go after a specific Biblical doctrine, and go more in depth on a few songs that deal with …

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The Playlist #11: The Resurrection

If the story ended where we left off Wednesday, there would be no hope for us.  On the cross of Calvary, Jesus conquered once and for all the enemy of sin.  But He had one more great enemy to defeat for God’s redemption plan to be completed.  Only because Christ rose from His grave and …

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The Playlist #10: The Crucifixion

As we spend this week commemorating and celebrating the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord, it’s a good time to come up with a couple of playlists appropriate for the season.  Last week I mentioned that I struggled to come up with a great number of songs dealing with evangelism, but that problem certainly …

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The Playlist #9: Evangelism

Evangelism is a Bible-based word with a simple definition: the sharing of the Good News of the Gospel.  We’ve covered songs about salvation, heaven, and prayer, and those are all wonderful.  But while we wait for heaven, we also have a God-given duty to tell those we come in contact with how they can join …

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The Playlist #8: New Year

At first, you may think it strange to come up with southern gospel songs dealing with the New Year holiday.  Of course, the holiday itself is not a subject of any gospel song I know.  But we can find many gospel songs that talk about the things we think about when a new year comes. …

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The Playlist #7: Thanksgiving

In advance of the holiday, it’s obviously an appropriate time to look at some gospel songs that express a theme of thanksgiving.  The Psalms are filled with references to thanking and praising God through song, and I believe God still holds in special regard the use of music to worship and thank Him for all …

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The Playlist #6: Prayer

One of the greatest things about being a child of God is the opportunity to boldly approach the throne of grace for our every need.  Every Christian needs prayer, and I’m sure most Christians love to hear songs about prayer.  Here’s an 80-minute playlist of some of my favorite songs on this subject. For me, …

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